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Launch of MODERN SPACES. A Subjective Atlas of 20th century Architecture

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Published by Prestel (London), Modern Spaces complements a previous opus, Modern Forms, but it is this time focused exclusively on modern interior design. As in Modern Forms, the photographs are organised neither chronologically nor geographically, but formally, and they therefore create a visual flow of shapes and designs. With the earliest photographs taken in 2004, this album is a sum of 15 years’ work on modernist interiors.

The book is edited by Lincoln Dexter and Elias Redstone, with an essay by Owen Hatherley, and was designed by Magda Ponagajbo (Mamastudio, Warsaw).
More information HERE.
Modern Spaces will be launched in Warsaw, at the occasion of the Warsaw Art Book fair, on Sunday November 25, at 4 PM. The talk will be led by Łukasz Gorzyca.
BABKA do wynajęcia
ul. Młocińska 5/7, 01-065 Warsaw, Poland
Additionally, I shall be signing the book in Paris during the Galeristes Art Fair, on Friday November 30, at 5 PM. The book signing is organised by the Common Room Foundation.
Le Carreau du Temple
2 Rue Perrée, 75003 Paris, France