Opening on Friday January 31, at 20:30
From January 31 to March 29, 2014
Galeria Alarcon Criado
Nicolas Grospierre’s practice as an artist and photographer is close to that of collecting: thanks to his camera, by photographing interesting things or phenomena, he has made them his own, he has appropriated them. For Grospierre, this impulse to photograph is comparable to a kind of imperative. However, this urge to photograph /collect lead him to question the very motivation behind such a behavior and try to systematize it through works which use and display collections, by employing the focus of one of his collections, the exhibition cabinets. Therefore, Typologiesis an exhibition which shows a variety of collections (some authentic, some fake, although the distinction is not clear-cut) and raises the question as to the meaning behind the act of collecting. Ultimately, Typologies, besides its undeniable visual seduction, instills the viewer with an uneasy feeling. That, however we try to justify our urge to collect, what remains in our hands in the end is perhaps nothing more than a breath of air.
More info here